Swing Check Valve – Metal Seated DN50 to DN800 PN16

PN16 Temp 0ºC to 70ºC DN50 to DN300. For potable water, sewage and neutral liquids to maximum 70°C.

Swing Check Valve is used as protection against reverse flow.  A swing check valve consists of a mounted disc that operates with a hinge or shaft. Forward flow swings the disc off the seat. No flow results in the disc swinging back to seal and prevent reverse flow. The weight of the disc and the forward flow impacts the performance of the valve.

  • Design to BS EN 16767:2016 (BS 5153)
  • Face to face dimension in accordance to BS EN558 Series 10
  • Flange drilling to BS EN1092-2 PN16
  • Tests: Hydraulic test to BS EN122
  • Coating: Fusion bonded epoxy coating internally and externally minimum 250 μm
  • Optional Lever Weight and Guard Assemblies
  • Optional guard as standard on Right Hand Side, Option for Left
  • Optional Bonnet Plug